This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956314.
Date: 17 June 2023 Location: Berlin ALLODD participated in the Long Night of Sciences 2023, an annual science dissemination event in the Berlin metropolitan area. The principles of Medicinal Chemistry and key experimental research workflows such as a prototypic drug design, compound synthesis and isolation procedure were illustrated. During lab tours, experiments were presented to a broad non-scientific audience. Over the course of the evening, we welcomed around 100 visitors, engaged in vivid discussions and answered the audience’s questions regarding our work. Find out more about the event and the programme here.
Athens, 15th June 2023 – The ALLODD consortium hosted the "Allosteric Drug Design: Where Academia Meets Pharma" conference in Strasbourg on May 22-23, 2023, as part of its broader awareness event and symposium on allostery in drug discovery held on May 22-26, 2023. The event was organized by Professor Marco Cecchini (University of Strasbourg), Dr. Stefan Becker and Dr. Lars Toleikis (Merck Healthcare KGAA) and was hosted by Professor Marco Cecchini at the Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS). This conference provided a platform for leading academic researchers and industry professionals, including participants from Novartis, Roche, and Merck, to share advancements in allosteric drug discovery.
For more details, you can read the Press Release. 10th EFMC Young Medicinal Chemists' Symposium | Anniversary Edition
Organizing Committee: Chair: Dr Maja BEUS, Institute for Medical Research, Zagreb, Croatia Members: Dr David ALKER, David Alker Associates, Birchington, United Kingdom, Ms Floriane ESHAK, University Paris Cité, paris, France, Mr Brieuc MATAGNE, LD Organisation, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Dr Hrvoje RIMAC, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Dr Isabella ROMEO, Università degli Studi "Magna Graecia", Catanzaro, Italy Date: 7-8 September 2023 Venue: Zagreb, Croatia Registration: opens in February 2023 |
January 2025